Route: Sunapee Double Greenway traverse (NH)

Submitted by Ryderjag on Wed, 04/24/2024 - 07:31pm
New Hampshire, US
123 mi
Vertical Gain
25,300 ft

This route is a combination of 2 established FKT routes in the small rural mountains of southwestern New Hampshire, combined for 123 miles and 25300 feet of vertical climbing feet. The first route is the SRKG or Sunapee Ragged Kearsarge Greenway, a 75 mile loop that summits the three aforementioned mountains and hosts annual 75 mile 3 day race The route for the FKT starts and finishes atop Mount Sunapee in Newbury, NH. Upon completion of the SRKG, you will hike south on the Monadnock/Sunapee Greenway, a 48 mile southern traverse to finish atop of Mt. Monadnock What makes this special is the fact that it combins two awesome trail routes that already have FKTs and the length of the route makes it nearly impossible for mere hiking mortals to finish without sleep (the elite could). The SRKG (75 mile route) does not allow camping which adds to the spice and difficulty of the whole route. It is also deceivingly hilly with 25000 plus feet of elevation change. The Monadnock Sunapee greenway does allow camping, so sleep is possible for the average joe hiker. The route can be remote, but also has towns, a small bit of tar, rugged singletrack, and nice vistas on a week maintained but not overly crowded trail system (except maybe the tip of monadnock). 



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I hereby am submitting my intention to complete a supported FKT of the Sunapee double greenway traverse.. On Sunday June 9th, 2024 I will leave from Mt Sunapee summit and commence the first part of the traverse (srkg -75 miles) once finished I will again leave the top of Mt Sunapee to travel south the 48 miles to the top of Monadnock.. My time for 123 miles won’t set the world on fire, but I hope to see some others follow.  Mt initial goal was sub 4 days, but as a track coach, I have sports awards in the middle of the attempt, so i will be off trail for a night, so my new goal would be sub 5 days.  My support will be a ride here and there getting to and from the trailhead, plus one night in my home bed as i live close by. I will also sleep on friends lawns as the srkg doesn’t allow camping and i can’t do 75 miles without sleeping.. 

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Well,  well.  I leave the door open for someone else..  Unfortunately after 42 miles in 26 hours I have to abort my attempt.  A family emergency pulled me off trail.  I will come back and try again for sure.. Had a great start and probably went out too fast (for me anyway) as my achilles was starting to ache after 1/3rd of the trip.  Hope to see someone try it.. Call me up if you need support.  PJÂ