Athlete: Carling Ursem



Fastest Known Times the athlete has set; possibly historical. Check out each route to see its current FKT.

Route Route Variation Style Time Date
Rae Lakes Loop (CA) from Roads End Unsupported 10h 14m 30s
Yosemite R2R2R (CA) River2River2River Unsupported 5h 14m 24s
Bolinas Ridge to Bridge (CA) Standard point-to-point Supported 5h 1m 36s
High Sierra Trail (CA) with Whitney summit Supported 22h 39m 45s
Bolinas Ridge to Bridge (CA) Standard point-to-point Supported 5h 41m 52s
Mt Rainier Northern Loop Trail (WA) Standard loop Unsupported 8h 35m 53s