Route: Arizona Trail (AZ)

Arizona, US
817 mi
Vertical Gain
113,537 ft

"The Arizona Trail is an 800+ mile recreation trail from Mexico to Utah that connects mountain ranges, canyons, deserts, forests, wilderness areas, historic sites, trail systems, points of interest, communities, and people. It serves dayhikers, backpackers, equestrians, mountain bicyclists, trail runners, nature enthusiasts, cross-country skiers, snowshoers, and mule and llama packers." (From The AZT is designated as a National Scenic Trail. Currently, just about 35 of the trail's 800+ miles remain to be linked, as indicated on this map.

An email from the anonymous previous self-supported FKT holder gives a run-down of some previous FKTs on the AZT:

"In 2007 I bested Li Banfors time of 35 days and some change. I am not sure Li was going for a record, but when I set out in 2007 that was the time I was hoping to best. April 8th 2007 - May 7th 2007 with a time of 30 days 7hrs 30 minutes. This was record was broken spring of 2009 by Matt Signore aka Worldwide with a time of 28 days 22hrs. I chatted with Matt after the trip to verify and I felt comfortable with the fact that he had indeed walked an unsupported speed record of the AZT." (A link to the hiker's AZT trail journal was given, but the journal has been removed.)

The anonymous hiker went back to the AZT in the spring of 2011 and demolished Signore's time, completing the trail in 21d14h16m. His trip was mostly classic thru-hiker style, but he literally ran for the first 4 days with ultralight gear before switching to backpacking. He also walked to all resupply points. (A link to a complete TR on the hiker's blog had been given, but has been removed.)

All previous FKTs on the AZT were smashed by Michael Versteeg, who ran the route in fully supported style in 15d22h39m, Oct. 3-19, 2016. This trip was reported on Versteeg's Twitter feed, and tracked on

Interestingly, Heather Anderson was on the AZT at the same time as Versteeg, going in her typical thru-hiker (self-supported) style. She completed the route with a new FKT for that style, and new women's overall FKT of 19d17h9m (SoBo), from 4:17pm on Oct. 7 to 9:26am on Oct. 27, 2016. Her lengthy, detailed report is here.

On December 20, 2015, Kathy & Ras Vaughan completed the first known out & back (yo-yo) of the AZT in a total time of 93d6h22m and using classic thru-hiker style (self-supported, no rides). The couple started at the Mexico border on September 18 and reached the Utah border on November 4. More details are given below by Ras Vaughan.

GPS Track


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Profile picture for user Eric Hallsten


I’ll be hiking the Azt sobo starting 10/16 ~7am, hoping for the self supported fkt. My tracking link will be public on the site here and I’ll be posting updates on Instagram when I can @ehallsten


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Profile picture for user savannah K tuttle

I left the Mexican border yesterday at 10:08 a.m. I'm attempting the female fastest known time self-supported. I never got a clear answer from the FKT board concerning the closure in the Grand Canyon so I am just taking it one day at a time. You can follow along on my Instagram @Sandimasss


I sent my tracking link yesterday before I started.

I'll be going for the Unsupported FKT, heading SoBo on Oct 10th. Aiming for 21 days. The folks at FKT will have my tracker link, but everyone else is welcome to follow along on Instagram @mountains.andme

Bring on the heavy pack!! 

After 12 days on trail I bailed on the effort. I was on pace but suddenly lost energy and speed after pushing hard through a late season heat wave, as well as battling with foot issues. Learned a lot though and I'm sure I'll be back!

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Profile picture for user Matthew_Cooley

Hi all, 

I’ll be attempting to set a new Unsupported FKT on the Arizona Trail heading NOBO on April 15th shooting for somewhere between 20-25 day's. I’ll send my Garmin tracking info over to the folks at FKT. I’ll also be posting after the fact on my instagram @moose_hikes but my tracking info will be available there as well. Im hoping to crush it!

- Matthew Cooley aka Moose

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In reply to by Matthew_Cooley

I’ll be starting my attempt one day earlier than planned on April 14th instead of the 15th 

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I will be setting off tomorrow, March 23, at the Mexico border heading north solo unsupported in an attempt to break the AZT Unsupported record.  Thanks for proving this can be done Art Brody, and inspiring me to try to do the same!  I plan to stay true to his style of unsupported, with the exception I will be throwing away trash in trailside trash cans where possible.  Follow along with hourly updates at

I see you turned around. I hope all is good and you didn't hurt yourself. Solid effort 

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Profile picture for user Art Brody

I mean, absolutely no disrespect to Clinton! What you are doing is Hard AF and I know because I did it. But when I set the record it did not say I could throw away my trash. Which is a significant weight change over the course of 800 miles and 20+ days. I wish I would have seen this new rule change before someone started after my record. I would have protested it then. But in my opinion anyone going for the Unsupported fkt should carry Everything from start to finish including trash as it was when I set the record. 

once again no disrespect for Clinton he is playing with the rules FKT gave him.

I just learned fkt changed the rules after my Unsupported record that I was the 1st one to set the standards for. I find that disheartening that FKT would change the rules after I proved the rules could be met. Everything from start to finish! It is a major advantage getting to throw your trash away. That could be the deciding factor on what to carry like an extra pair of shoes or fuel cans or any other item you decide along the way you don't need knowing you can throw them away and won't have the extra weight. All FKT did was take my hard earned accomplishment and make it easier to beat it. And anyone going for my record should and will have an asterisk next to their name in my eyes. Because they will have an added advantage. That's not right to me and the more I think about it the more upsetting it is to me. I find it really exciting to watch people attempt my record but knowing they will have it easier then I did takes the excitement out of watching and rooting for them. UNSUPPORTED WAS EVERYTHING FROM START TO FINISH FOR ME SO IT SHOULD BE FOR YOU!

For my attempt I will be carrying all my trash from start to finish since you set the precedent, as it should be. 

I love the mentality and I agree! Keep the standards and terms the same for all attempts! Integrity! 

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Profile picture for user mountainspew

I will begin an unsupported Arizona Trail FKT attempt (Nobo) on Saturday morning, April 6th, 2024. I’ll be carrying all my trash, extra shoes etc. for the duration to keep the precedent that Art Brody set. 

Live Tracking:

Instagram: mjjamison

-Marcus “Jughead” Jamison

I’m started a supported attempt of the Arizona Trail April 8, 2024 I’ll start around 3am at Mexico border from south to north. My tracking will be here: -Candice Burt 

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Hi. Anybody is following Heather Anderson going for unsupported northbound right now?

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Heather, wow, what a high bar you set with an unsupported!! Amazing! Really hope you let us know your pack content, weight, food choices etc, please!

Hello 👋 


I'll be attempting the unsupported FKT starting at some point in late October. I'll send my tracking link at the beginning of next month and make sure to take photos and sign registers. 

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Profile picture for user bergstromra

Happy Monday! 

I heard you can’t do just one and I have just under a month left in my LOA from work so here I am currently attempting a new self supported womens SOBO time! I started today around lunchtime and have shared my Garmin link with the folks of FKT, but I’ll also try to share more of my adventure along the way via IG @ms_rebecca_ann - happy trails!!

You’ll never know if you can unless you try.”

Tara “Candy Mama” Dower




Update that never updated, thanks to spotty service/wifi: ended my effort at the North Rim ~42hrs in when GI issues and blisters set me behind Katie’s pace and I just couldn’t trust going into the canyon with just one wet wipe 😅 until next time!

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It doesnt look like anyone has yo-yo'd this trail. I'm starting NoBo, today, Oct 11. Hoping to get to Utah and back for a self supported yoyo.

I'll follow the guthook red line and resupply by foot. No hitching. Any resupply will return back to the same location I left. I'm hoping to avoid using caches but due to the nature of the desert, I'll make notes if I stray from those plans.

GPS track:


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Profile picture for user kristafas

Hiya, I’ll be setting out for another attempt on the self supported time tomorrow morning, 10 am.

 I’ve sent my tracking link to fkt and am so so excited to be reunited with the aspens, saguaros, and even the cholla🌵

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Profile picture for user Eric Hallsten

Hey there!

I’ll be attempting the self supported fkt (again) going sobo starting tomorrow, 10/15 at 6am. The West Fire closure is still active as of right now so I’ll be taking the AZTA’s recommended alternate following FR32, FR64 & HWY87 unless the closure lifts before I get there

Here’s the link to my inreach: and my instagram is @hallsteneric where I’ll be posting updates when I can. Can’t wait for the fun to start!

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Self supported southbound attempt 10/23 in the morning. @gingers101 for updates. Still on the fence about this but heading to trailhead tonight to start. FKT has tracking 

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Profile picture for user Nick Fowler

Let’s hope I don’t make a fool of myself; I’ve been focused on growing a dad bod lately instead of legs. Headed to stateline. Self supported. AZTA west fire reroute if it’s still closed when I get there.