Route: Yosemite - Red Peak Pass Loop

Submitted by Carl Mandrioli on Sun, 09/10/2023 - 05:01pm
California, US
49.04 mi
Vertical Gain
8,069 ft

A version of this route was originally recorded on Instagram (but not Strava) by Alex Honnold. This is a popular backpacking route for those that want to avoid Yosemite crowds, capture epic scenery, and see Yosemite in all its glory.

This is a loop (with a short stem) in a remote part of Yosemite. The starting trailhead is Mono Meadow (located off of Glacier Point road). The stem descends about 1000 vertical feet in 3.4 miles. Stay to the right (southeast) to head toward Ottoway Lakes. Continue on the loop heading up to those lakes and then to Red Peak Pass. Head over the pass and down to the next junction (continuing to stay to the left). Continue down the trail toward Washburn Lake and then Merced High Sierra Camp. The loop travels west toward (and past)  Nevada Falls. Continue staying to the left until the trail heads south to connect with the original stem. Ascend the final 1000' of gain back to the Mono Meadow trailhead.

GPS Track
