Route: National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom)

United Kingdom
450 mi
Vertical Gain
10,000 ft

The National Three Peaks Challenge involves climbing the three highest peaks of Scotland, England and Wales.  Usually, people drive between the trailheads.  Cycling or running between the trailheads are other options.  Which ever way you choose, the time starts at the first trailhead and ends at the trailhead after the final peak.  The total distance is around 450 miles, with the total TH-TH distance on the 3 peaks being about 23 miles with 10,000 feet of elevation gain.

Various records are kept here:

In 1979 Ann Sayer completed the Challenge in 7 days and 31 minutes (female and overall FKT), as stated in her recent obituary

GPS Track


For anyone looking to improve the overall FKT set by Ann Sayer, which remarkably still stands since 1979, bear in mind that she actually finished in Caernarvon (at the castle, going by the photo evidence*) which is about 8mi from the recognised trailhead at Llanberis mountain railway station. I believe this was as per the original challenge finish point, with an existing record time that she wanted to beat. Unfortunately there is no stated* time for when she passed Llanberis station but at her average recorded pace*, for the days on road without peak summiting, of about 4mph it would have probably taken her at least 2 hours to get to Caernarvon Castle from Llanberis. That means she would have recorded a total "TH-TH" time of less than 7 days when compared with all the other more recent times listed here. In my humble opinion you would therefor need to clock in at under 6d;22h;30m to truly claim this FKT!

*As per the record attempt report, with times and photos, published in issue 25 (December 1979) of 'Strider' - the magazine of the LDWA 

Yeah because in 1979 people were really paying attention to if someone legitimately ran the 3 peaks. People were mainly concerned with where their next meal was coming from. 

User Picture
Profile picture for user Chris Taylor - TaylorMade Coaching

Beginning Wednesday 15th May 2024, Imo Boddy will be attempting to set a new FKT for the National Three Peaks Challenge, following the original sea-level to seal-level route established by Ann Sayer in 1979. I (Chris Taylor, TaylorMade Coaching & Events) have organised the attempt and will be there throughout the challenge.

Imo will be setting off at 07:00 on the 15th. If anyone would like to track, you can follow Imo's progress here:

Tracking is provided using satellite tech, so we should have signal at all times (the tracking is set to share location fixes every 2 minutes). Imo will be recording GPS evidence of her attempt using two Garmin watches.

Starting on either Thursday 25th or Friday 26th July I will be attempting to be the first to run the national 3 peaks fully unsupported.

here is my tracker link

I will also been on instagram 


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Profile picture for user ryans_peaks

Beginning on the 30th August I (Ryan Hughes) will be attempting to set a new FKT for the National Three Peaks Challenge, following the original sea-level to seal-level route. Specifically, this will be for the male self-supported category.

Like tracking will be available (link to follow) as well as a GPX file from my Garmin watch after the attempt. Updates will also be available on Instagram at Ryans_Peaks.