Route: Badwater to Whitney Duathlon (CA)

California, US
139.3 mi

The Badwater Duathlon is a bike / hike traverse from Badwater to the top of Mt Whitney. It consists of about 132 miles of road cycling from Badwater (at 266' below sea level) to Whitney Portal (8374') followed by 7 miles (if the Mountaineer's Route is taken) of hiking to the summit of Mt Whitney (14,500'.) Of course you still need to hike back down to the road after doing this!


So far this route has been done solo and without drafting, which makes sense.  A team of 2 or more could draft off each other, but allowing fresh cyclists to "pull" a solo rider seems like poor style.  Accompaniment on the hike seems fine for supported trips.



I beat the record a little over a month ago. The new time is 13:16:07. We will have to update this page. Also the stats for Badwater Basin and Whitney summit are off a few feet (-282 below sea level and 14,505’). I feel really good about this go with a strong effort on the bike and the mountain all around.

I’m working on a film project documenting the record with a couple sponsors. It’s the 7th time the record has been seriously upped in the past 5 years.

Hi all! I'm considering going for this in the future. Just to clarify, is it ok to take the regular Mt. Whitney route instead of the mountaineer's route? I realize it is much longer, but I'd like to know all of my options if weather conditions (or my condition) make the mountaineer's route unsafe. 

Thank you!