Route: Lake Carroll Loop (IL)

Submitted by SpencerA18 on Sun, 06/07/2020 - 04:02pm
Illinois, US
10.28 mi
Vertical Gain
978 ft

Wikipedia: Lake Carroll is a man-made recreational lake located in Carroll County, Illinois. It was formed in 1974 by the damming of the east fork of the Plum River near the town of Lanark, Illinois. The earthen dam is owned and operated by the Lake Carroll Association.

Route: Lake Carroll Boulevard (in conjunction with Zier Road to the south for about a mile) circumnavigates all of Lake Carroll, the largest private lake in Illinois. This hilly 10.28-mile route is heavily trafficked by runners, walkers, and bikers alike, and relatively un-trafficked by vehicles, making for a safe and challenging training/exercise opportunity in northwestern Illinois.
