17.6 mi
GPS Track
Menunkatuck.gpx892.84 KB
Ian Connell | 2h 11m 32s | ||||
Stefan Rodriguez | 2h 30m 20s | ||||
Drew Jett | 2h 47m 54s | ||||
Jamie Murrett | 2h 51m 0s |
Lee-Stuart Evans, Joe Laskey | 6h 13m 20s |
Carina Halloran | 3h 37m 55s |
Adding a note to indicate that the Menunkatuck is a fantastic trail and that both the male and female FKT's are fantastic performances. Debbie Livingston and I did this trail as part of our NET (plus Monadnock) End-to-End ending on 06/24/2020 and it was hellish. With the 18+ miles coming at the end of a 240+ mile trip, we were in agony. We were out of food, nearly out of water, nearly out of light (down to one), and batteries had died on our iPhones. It took us 6+ hours in the dark and we finished shortly after 12:00 A.M. It was ugly.Â
We went back a few weeks later on 07/04/2020 to run it in daylight (joined by Laura Becker) and it went much quicker. We had to prove that the trail wasn't haunted or possessed. We weren't able to beat a time, but enjoyed the run. Our effort was strong and proves that the fastest folks are indeed fast.Â