Route: Pennine Way (UK)

United Kingdom
420 km
Vertical Gain
11,836 m

This is a Premier Route. To claim an FKT on this route, you must meet a high standard of documentation and verification. See details here:

"Steeped in history, this National Trail chases along the mountain tops along the rugged backbone of England and offers 268 miles of the finest upland walking in England. A once in a lifetime experience."

The Montane Spine Race covers the most of the Pennine Way in winter (It deviates in a few spots, but most notably it omits the summit of the Cheviot, on the border ridge close to the northern end of the route). The overall course record was set in January 2019 by fell running phenom & nursing mother Jasmine Paris in 83h12m23s:

Josh Perry alerted us to an early unsupported FKT on the Pennine Way.  In 1989, Robin Price completed in 4days 8hrs and 39mins. Reported on in that September's issue of Fellrunner Magazine (see p.35).  As best we can tell this is still (August 2020) the unsupported FKT

GPS Track
tracker.gpx293.06 KB


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Profile picture for user Jacob Russell

Anyone know of a self supported record here?

The unsupported (not self supported) record appears to be Robin Prince in a time of 4 days 8 hours and 39 minutes, as reported in the September 1989 issue of Fellrunner Magazine.   

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Profile picture for user Kelly Eagle

Hi All, I am going to go for an unsupported/self-supported attempt (south to north) from August 16-20 2021. This will be my first FKT attempt so I would love any advice :).  I plan to record on my watch and use the GPS track provided on the website. Anything else I should know? Thanks!

Hi Kelly, think I’ll be setting off just ahead of you by a few days. Same idea. I was going for supported but I’ve had to isolate and don’t want to put my team through that again so planning on getting dropped off and off I go. Good luck ? ? 

Starting on Mon 22/05/2022 I will attempt to set the self-supported speed record on the Pennine Way going Northbound from Edale. I will carry a small pack with my gear and resupply along the way.

Made it to Alston (290km) in approx. 3d and 4hrs where I decided to quit.

day1 Edale - Ickornshaw 96km

day2 Ickornshaw - Hawes 89km

day3 Hawes - Gregs Hut 108km

had a flyby with Damian Hall in the middle of the night above Dufton which was pretty cool I think.