Premier Routes

Roan Highlands (NC) section of the Appalachian Trail

Premier Routes

We have designated the routes listed below as Premier Routes because of their history of attracting international attention and top athletes. Many of these routes have generated multiple FKT of the Year nominations. Here are the criteria we use in selecting Premier Routes:

  • A history of competition,
  • Outstanding natural beauty,
  • A clean, logical route,
  • No unreasonable natural or bureaucratic obstacles to completion, and
  • No exceptional difficulties in comparison and approval (e.g. the Pacific Crest Trail, which was removed from the list due to annual wildfire closures and reroutes).

Every FKT requires athletes to adhere to the guidelines and verify their effort to our standards, but attempts on Premier Routes require the highest level of attention to detail. For every attempt on a Premier Route, please:

  1. Read the FKT Verification and FKT Guidelines pages again to be familiar with details, including any recent changes.
  2. Announce your attempt in advance to the FKT team. We also recommend that you announce with a comment on the route page.
  3. Verify your attempt without fail. Device failure can invalidate an otherwise successful attempt, so plan for success and consider running a backup device.

Live tracking was formerly required; as of 2024, it is optional but recommended. For multi-day routes, we are still happy to post your live-tracking link to the "Tracking Now" section of our home page if you provide us with the link.

Premier Routes by region

United States


Rest of World

In 2025, we are expanding this list to better represent the international FKT scene. We recognize that this list still gives preference to the US and Europe, but we will continue to monitor it and update as the sport grows worldwide. We welcome nominations for worthy global Premier Routes that we have not included above.