Route: Rutland State Park and Barre Falls Loop (MA)

Massachusetts, US
10.9 mi

Iain Ridgway submitted this route:

10.9 mile loop of Rutland State Park, and abandoned Prison Camp and Barre Falls Dam Recreation area. The route is almost all closed to traffic and uses 4 x 4 trails, forest roads and water authority access roads to tour the area.

Starting from the South end of Prison Camp Road on Whitehall Pond at Rutland State Park. the route goes up 4.5 miles to the Mid State Trail, turns left and follows that trail through to Barre Falls Dam, at the Dam, keep following the Mid State Trail but cut off around the back of the shrub line and cut across the pasture to the Dam outflow and picks up the trail that climbs to Cole brook road, follow this for just over a mile, ignore the first left with the sign for Ruben Walker Rd and take the next left which climbs again and after a km take the next left again and run down to the dykes which are part of the flood protection area. Follow these down to Pine Rd and follow this back to White Hall Pond and the starting point. Almost all dirt jeep trails. Beautiful rural area of Central Mass, just a stone's throw from Worcester.

Almost all closed to traffic, with the dog off the leash the whole loop. Just two short sections being open to traffic at the end of dead end roads.

GPS Track

