Route: Shi Shi Beach to Oil City Road (WA)

Washington, US
59.8 mi

This is a route along the Olympic Coast that seems logical but has not seen much FKT activity.  Here are some posts from our old website (none of these people identified themselves):


Hello All,

I'm new to this board and poked around a little bit but couldn't find any info on any Olympic Coast runs in WA state.  I pulled off  a 50+ miles in 18 hours along the Olympic Coast in June 2014. From Shi-Shi to Oil City Road, involves beach running, beach head overlands, and timing of the tides... I have GPS documentation and online pre-run announcement.

Truth be told, I stopped and had a Snickers bar and drink; I passed a convenient store and was feeling low, which moves me from Unsupported to the Self-supported category... I'm not sure what kind of interest is out there for this route, yet I post in the spirit of the page. Any comments are graciously accepted! Thanks!!

John  Aka Renegade Beef [2/15/2015]


Hello! I am an avid backbacker with a burning desire to go to Olympic NP and solo the coast from oil city th. To Shi Shi beach. I grew up in the mountains of colorado and have gained my expierence in the CO and Utah wilderness. My goal I Olympic is quite a change from the usual trips I embark on. So I have done quite a bit of research. I am planning o. Doing the actual backpack portion over ~ 6-9 days during the last week of July (2016) I have been studying tide charts and have a few ordered but will get more detailed when the time is closer. I know I need permits bear canister rain gear etc. And I have found detailed explanations of both the north and south coast routes. However and combination of these have proved more challenging. I have found a few posts of a through hike. Being that I will be soloing it makes a one way a bit more logistically challenging. Questions I have are how to get fro. Shi shi, (and should I park my car at Neah bay? (Permits from the makah nation? )) to oil city TR. Is there a best way to cross the Quinault river. Bring cash to pay for a local ferry walk around, stash a bike.... swim?? And then general tips from an inside expierence. Wetness weather adverse conditions wildlife poor trails navigation and packing are not new for me, however the region, and oceans in general are something I have considerably less know how with. Any info and help would be fantastic and indispensable!!
Thank you:) [4/29/2016]


I would like to submit that I just completed this route as a SOBO/NOBO/YOYO. Shi Shi to Oil city back to Shi Shi... my time wasn't super speedy, but I'm curious if anyone has ever done this before.

My total time was 109 hours, 25 minutes. [5/3/2017]


I believe that the current FKTs are:

Male "self supported" one-way South bound - John T Barrickman - 06/23/2014 total time: 18 hours
Female "unsupported" one-way South bound - Julie Cassata - 6/21/2015 total time: 18:58
Male "self supported" out and back - South Bound then North Bound - Brad Hefta-Gaub - 5/3/2017 - total time: 109:25