Route: Sierra de Ramon Traverse, Santiago (Chile)

Metropolitana de Santiago, CL
28.1 km
Vertical Gain
2,900 m

Max Keith reported running this point-to-point route of 28km, with an elevation gain of 2800m, in 5h45m45s on 22 Dec. 2013. The route is just outside of Santiago, Chile, and begins at Ñilhue Bridge, Park Mahuida, and reaches the summits of Cerro Provincia, Tambor, San Ramon, and La Cruz. Keith appears to have had some support from a friend along the way. Here are is a report on the run, and a GPS track:

Integral:  A similar but longer (37km, 3230m elevation gain) route is known as the Sierra de Ramón Integral.  "Sierra de Ramón integral, esta ruta se inicia desde Las Varas y finaliza en el Bosque Panul, es integral ya que se realizan sus 5 cumbres principales que son, El cerro Provincia, Morro el Tambor, cerro San Ramón, Punta Damas y por último el cerro Minillas, además en esta ruta se incluye el cerro Tarapacá."  (José Andonaegui)