Route: Vertical Kilometer, Mt Mansfield (VT)

Vermont, US
4.8 mi
Vertical Gain
3,500 ft

Brent Sitterly posted a VK route (below).  But, this route starts at Pleasant Valley Road and is ~ 3500' vertical in 4.8 miles.

So I've been obsessed with the vertical kilometer event.  Apparently there are at least two peak in Vermont that could support such an effort, Killington and Mansfield.  I am going to attempt the only route I could find on Mansfield that will have 1000m of ascent.

Route:  1.7-ish miles down Mountain road from Underhill state park, up Eagle cut to the Laura Cowles trail.
Total vert:  ~1000m
Total horiz:  ~4.5 miles

I am slow and I'm sure my time will be short lived, but mainly I want to see if we can't jumpstart the vertical kilometer racing in New England.

Brent Sitterly

A Strava segment tracks the VK (the FKT route is longer):


Ran this unsupported this morning in the rain, 1:37:07 first attempt