Athlete: Robert Rives



Fastest Known Times the athlete has set; possibly historical. Check out each route to see its current FKT.

Route Route Variation Style Time Date
Grand Isle Loop (VT) Standard route Self-supported 4h 52m 34s
Cold River Loop (NY) Standard loop Unsupported 5h 36m 36s
Vertical Kilometer, Mt Mansfield (VT) ascent Unsupported 1h 7m 16s
Cross-Moosalamoo Trail (VT) out & back Unsupported 7h 58m 59s
Bolton Backcountry Round (VT) Standard Loop Unsupported 3h 58m 33s
Kingdom Heritage Trail (VT) one way Unsupported 4h 39m 16s
Miles Knob Loop (ME) Standard loop Unsupported 2h 7m 49s
Adirondacks: Gray, Skylight & Marcy (NY) Standard route Unsupported 4h 51m 27s
Colvin, Blake, Nippletop, Dial, Bear Den Loop (NY) Standard route Unsupported 5h 27m 46s
Batona Trail (NJ) one way Unsupported 9h 23m 8s
Outer Mountain Loop (TX) Standard route Unsupported 6h 56m 25s
Adirondack Dix Range Traverse (NY) Standard route Unsupported 4h 26m 33s
Trans-Vermont (VT) Standard route Supported 19h 19m 0s
Grand Isle Loop (VT) Standard route Unsupported 4h 56m 17s
Neuse River Trail (NC) one way Unsupported 4h 46m 54s
Hundred Mile Wilderness (ME) Standard route Unsupported 1d 11h 32m 0s
Charles River Link Trail (MA) out & back Unknown 5h 23m 17s
Charles River Link Trail (MA) one way Self-supported 2h 18m 0s
Skyline to the Sea Trail (CA) out & back Self-supported 10h 29m 0s
Mono Lake Circumnavigation (CA) Standard route Unsupported 9h 3m 0s
Cohos Trail (NH) Standard route Self-supported 2d 18h 0m 0s
Swan Song / Gulf Song Loop (NH) Swan Song Self-supported 13h 30m 0s
North South Trail (RI) Standard route Supported 19h 38m 0s