Route: Kinsman Ridge Trail (NH)

New Hampshire, US
15.8 mi
Vertical Gain
6,360 ft

Mike Robinson posted the route:

Today I ran Kinsman Ridge Trail from North to South and am posting my time as a current FKT at 5 Hours 4 minutes.

I did not include Mt Moosilauke as it is no longer being grouped with The Kinsman Ridge on the hiking sites. In addition, The Kinsman Ridge Trail switches to The Beaver Brook Trail to continue up Moosilauke and The Kinsman Ridge Trail ends at rt 112 or Kinsman Notch.
Adam Wilcox has a moving time on Strava, which includes Moosilauke, of 5 hours 58 minutes  
I'm can't tell what his actual time was though and will post it once I contact him.  

My moving time was 4 hours 18 minutes which differs greatly from my actual time of 5 hours 4 minutes to do the ridge not including Moosilauke.

I am unaware of any other FKTs on this Ridge, Nothing on web or VFTT site either.


I will be giving this FKT a shot on Wednesday the 12th of August. Its going to be a good whoopin'. Ben has understated how rough this trail is. 

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Yesterday (August 17, 2024) I did an unsupported out & back double traverse of this route. Started across the street from Beaver Brook Trailhead on Route 112, traversed the entire Kinsman Ridge Trail, down to the Cannon Mountain parking lot, then turned around and traversed again, ending where I started at Route 112.

I did this solo and unsupported, only getting water from Eliza Brook when I passed it around mile 8, and again around mile 23.

Much like my double traverse of the Carter Moriah Range last month, I can't find a record of anyone else having done this before. Going to submit my effort if an out & back variation can be added to this route!