11.5 mi
Vertical Gain
2,772 ft
GPS Track
Gearhart_Mountain.gpx1.17 MB
Mixed-gender team
Jason Hardrath | 2h 1m 6s | ||||
Steven "Aria Zoner" Thompson | 2h 22m 25s |
Alex Remstedt, Quentin Nichols | 3h 6m 51s |
While preparing to attempt this route, I learned that OR 28 had been shot and killed. This was a female wolf roaming just north of Gearhart Mountain. Before her passing, she had successfully given birth to a litter of pups, which are still presumed to be alive and on the loose. In 2019, her killer was caught but avoided jailtime. "Dick will spend a year in supervised release, pay the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife $2,500 in restitution, not hunt any wildlife for a year and perform 100 hours of community service." While wolf sightings are extremely rare, in areas where they're known to be, they should still be expected. Solution? Carry PPE: Mace, a bear bell, a much slower friend in case you get chased. JK! At the end of the day, this is their landscape and habitat. Please travel thru it respectfully and follow existing routes and trails during your visitation.