United Kingdom
22.71 mi
Vertical Gain
3,403 ft
GPS Track
COURSE_32312803.gpx108.39 KB
Shane Williams, Matt Poole | 2h 27m 50s |
Good work, chaps. I did a recce of this route and the navigation is a bit difficult! And good to have the start and finish at the top of Boxhill ??.
I've noticed route differences from the current recorded FKT (~20 miles) and with the actual route being 22.7 miles. I did a recce of the route that is given above and want to go for the FKT. I would just like to clarify why there are differences in distance? I get some are about summiting and getting back to the start point as soon as possible, though with such a short route for an FKT, I think it is more suitable if everyone were to follow the same route?
There are multiple route options but we made a decision to do ours based on: same start/finish point, get to summit of each peak and utilise pleasant paths that would encourage others to do it. We hope our precedent will be followed but fully expect the time to be bettered! There’s a race for the route that you did a recce for, April 21st! I emailed buzz about it before and he agreed with the points above
I'd like to have a go at this over the winter; I can't quite work out from the comments above whether the route must be this exact one, or whether a route which touches all three 'peaks' is acceptable. Advice appreciated. Thanks!
Planning an attempt on this on Saturday morning with two buddies. The description says box hill (224m) but I think the other attempts have only gone to the viewpoint which makes sense to me, the summit of box hill isn't 224m , isn't really a summit and is in a car park. Our intention is to go to the BH viewpoint, LH tower and Holmbury summit using our own planned route, mostly on trails. Not optimistic at all but hey ho.