The FKT Team

Fastest Known Time is brought to you by thousands of people just like yourself, who are getting out, doing cool routes, and submitting them to this website.

As well as these folks:

Allison Mercer


Devin Lehman

Senior Product Manager

Abigail Levene

Marketing Writer

Regional Editors

Regional Editors verify and edit every FKT worldwide. It is a labor of love for these dedicated enthusiasts:

FKT Verification

Verify your FKT!

You put in a huge effort - you want people to believe you did it, right?

FKT activities are now quite popular, professional runners receive sponsorship, and the media is paying attention. So please reduce potential hassles for yourself and document what you do.

Do not later claim that you did not know you had to verify your effort. And just like with all your other gear, you need to know how to use your tracking device, and need to keep the battery charged!