Olympic National Park Grand Loop (WA)

Submitted by pbakwin on Thu, 01/11/2018 - 12:50pm

Isaiah Hemmen posted the route:

In Backpacker Magazine's "Trekking Washington," published by Mountaineer Books, the route is dubbed "The Grand Loop."

ROUTE: West from Deer Park to Obstruction Point; South over Grand Pass, Cameron Pass, and Lost Pass; East along the Dosewallips River; North over Gray Wolf Pass and up the Gray Wolf River; and North-East up the Three-Forks Trail back to Deer Park.

DISTANCE: 44.4 miles

GAIN: 14,124 ft

Norman's 13 (CA)

Submitted by pbakwin on Thu, 01/11/2018 - 12:30pm

This route is the brain-child of Andy Gohlich.  The idea is a continuous link up the thirteen 14ers in the Sierra Nevada Range, similar to Nolan's 14 in Colorado's Sawatch Range.  Gohlich tried the route in late Sept / early Oct of 2017, but only completed 5 peaks due to snow and crewing problems.  Gohlich's idea is well described in an article in Trail Runner Magazine:


Marin High 5 (CA)

Submitted by pbakwin on Thu, 01/11/2018 - 12:22pm

Andrew Ewing posted the challenge: