Everesting - Rostushe

Submitted by Harchoz_b on Tue, 11/21/2023 - 03:07pm

Everesting Rostushe

The first known Everesting ( uphill and downhill ) in North Macedonia, Mavrovo National Park . 

The route start from Veloica 720m , then go to Bazent 810m , Nad Selo 900m and finish in Olec 1010m. 


Start- Saturday 04h in the morning

Total km: 90,69, Uphill 8877m, Downhill 8877m

Total time of activity: 30 hours, 51 minutes; 

End time: 10h 51min in Sunday


The route go near the most famous waterfall in Western Macedonia called Waterfall Duf. 



High Weald Landscape Trail

Submitted by HarryBoother on Tue, 11/21/2023 - 09:16am

The High Weald Landscape Trail is a 96-mile point-to-point trail. The route is made up of mostly off-road public footpaths.
The trail crosses the counties of West Sussex, East Sussex and Kent, exploring the heart of south-east England. Meandering through the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty - The High Weald.

There is a dedicated website for the trail here: https://highweald.org/things-to-do/high-weald-landscape-trail

Mont Orford Uphill via Grande Coulée

Submitted by Remi Leroux on Mon, 11/20/2023 - 07:51pm

Start is near the chairlift at the bottom of the mountain and then follows Grande Coulée ski slope until the summit of Mount Orford. There is a glorious 40% grade section in the last 400 meters before reaching the top.

Lake Country Trail (WI)

Submitted by Moo Moo Da Cow on Mon, 11/20/2023 - 07:03pm

The Lake Country Trail runs from the western edge of Waukesha to Oconomowoc in Wisconsin’s Lake Country area. Most of the trail was built on a former Milwaukee-Watertown Interurban Railway right-of-way, now shared with Wisconsin Electric Power Company overhead electric lines.

Seven Waters Trail (WI)

Submitted by Moo Moo Da Cow on Mon, 11/20/2023 - 06:46pm

The Seven Waters Bike Trail is a scenic corridor stretching more than 17 miles north–south between Burlington and Muskego Lake into Waukesha County. The trail was originally three trails, locally called Burlington, Waterford–Wind Lake and Norway, all stitched together as part of Racine County's system of bike paths.