27 mi
Vertical Gain
3,180 ft
GPS Track
Mixed-gender team
Chad Nauman | 4h 15m 20s | ||||
Joey Campanelli | 4h 30m 29s | ||||
Jeff Garmire | 4h 42m 55s | ||||
Seth Swanson | 4h 54m 27s | ||||
John Yarington | 5h 14m 14s | ||||
Zachary Pitts | 5h 23m 8s |
Phil Weiss, Axel Yount, Adam Behrendt | 7h 24m 20s |
Marilee Woyth | 6h 23m 16s |
Jen Swica, Katie Adams, Carrie Gaffney, Jason Tanguay | 8h 22m 45s |
Mixed-gender team
Justin Barth | 10h 58m 46s | ||||
Joey Campanelli | 11h 38m 0s |
Steven Graham, Drew Richardson | 15h 58m 14s |
Joshua Harrington, Naomi deRidder, Stella Johnson | 16h 36m 58s |
Melissa Davis | 16h 40m 34s |
This route on the old FKT site
The out and back times from the organized race were; Three sub 24 hour finishers (one at 19h27m and two at 23h29m) - three more finished at 27h20m.
The 19h27m FKT goes by the trail name of Warren Piece (does not want his real name published).
The 23h29m finish was myself and my now wife, Joy.
Recently two friends of a friend shared their results on the Ultra Beaten: Jakota Schatz & Jerica Schatz - 58 miles according to their GPS (about the same reading as the rest of us got) - 21.5 hours (including break stops).
We have had other reports come in of individuals completing the out and back task, but we have not received any indication that the times were under 24 hours, and for the purposes of the challenge 24 hours has been the published cut time, 12 hours at the turn around.
One way from East Rosebud to Clarks Fork Trailhead during the formal out and back race the top three of us hit the halfway point (Clarks Fork Trailhead ) together with a GPS reading of 28.82 miles and a time of 9:38'46.3. I am sure the one way has been done faster, especially if completed as a one way from Clarks Fork Trailhead to East Rosebud, but this is a GPS verified time for Dave Shumway, Warren Piece (trail name), and Joy Ballew together in that order.
One way readings have not been made available from others who have completed the out and back either in the race or since.
Here is the data recorded before my watch battery died (at mile 54). The data was transferred from Suunto MovesCount to MapMyRun to be shared: http://www.mapmyrun.com/workout/1746357296 http://www.mapmyrun.com/workout/1746357296
Anyone that analyzes the times will se how easy it would be to crush the current FKT for one way or round trip, and I'm happy to share maps/stats/data/suggestions for anyone attempting to do the trail in a day. The Facebook group on the original post has lots of information. An easy way to cut significant time, don't have trail crews chipping rocks on the trail and tearing out two bridges while you are making your attempt ;)
Today I ran from Clark's fork trailhead to the washed out Cliff Bridge (mi 22.5) in 3:23. Unfortunately still no sign of any bridge repair, and with runoff quite high the creek looked to be waist to chest deep and was absolutely ripping. A determined and risk-willing runner could easily swim across the lake just above the outlet. I was not that determined or risk willing, so turned around and slogged it back for an end time of 8:31. I'm hoping they'll start work on the bridge soon and I can get out here again to try and put some times up for this route!