Route: Bibbulmun Track

Western Australia, AU
992.8 km
Vertical Gain
17,500 m

This is a Premier Route. To claim an FKT on this route, you must meet a high standard of documentation and verification. See details here:

The Bibbulmun Track is one of the world’s great long distance walk trails, stretching 1000km from Kalamunda in the Perth Hills, to Albany on the south coast, winding through the heart of the scenic South West of Western Australia.

Note that besides the FKTs listed below, Jennifer Pharr-Davis indicated that she hiked the Bibbulmun in "21 days" in 2008, self supported.

GPS Track



Am looking to have a go at the Bibb FKT next year, either supported or self supported. 


What is the etiquette for crossing or going around Wilson Inlet?


Personally, I think, to keep it fair self or un supported should not use a car or a boat, and walk around the inlet, but would like clarification. 



I'll be beginning my self-supported FKT attempt on the Bibbulmun Track Northbound starting in Albany @ 5:00am Saturday 26/9. 

I have resupply packages mailed to Walpole, Pemberton, Balingup and Dwellingup. 

My plan is to walk the sandbar at Torbay Inlet. The Wilson Inlet sandbar is breached making the inlet untraversable. My plan is to hike from Nullaki Campsite along the track westward following the Wilson Inlet until it terminates on the South Bank. I will then backtrack anti-clockwise around the inlet roadwalking parts of South Coast Hwy before turning onto the Wilson Inlet Heritage Trail into Denmark. I will then rejoin the Bibbulmun at it's starting point on the Northern Shore of the inlet. I calculate this alternate will net an additional 30km in comparison to hiking across the sandbar. This is unfortunate, however, it has been a wet start to Spring and it is the safe course of action. 

I plan on canoeing the Irwin Inlet. I will judge whether Parry Inlet is safe to cross based on conditions at the time, if not I will take the alternate. 

As mentioned it has been a wet start to Spring, reports are the track is still inundated through some Southern sections. At the end of the day I'm headed out for a hike and I want to enjoy this challenge safely.

For verification purposes I will:

- Record my hike using a SPOT Gen3 set to 10 minute intervals.

- Take photos at each hut and sign each log book. (I will be taking additional photos along the way)

- Record a daily log of activity.



Hi Everyone, on the 25/9/2021 I'll attempt the supported FKT on the Bill Track that is currently in place. There is divisions in some places due the recent weather and lots of sections waterlogged. But hey.... I'm doing it to raise funds and awareness for Dementia Australia and to complete it the Fast possible time for me. I've only 14 days booked off work also ??

For verification purposes I will:

- Record my run/hike using a garmin mini inreach set to 10 minute intervals.

- Record each section I run daily on the Garmin watch

- Aim to take photos at each hut and sign each log book. And I'll also be carrying a gopro for some video along with having a few Pacers along the way, when available. 

Thank you to all on this page that have inspired me to have a go. ??



Should read


Hi Everyone, on the 25/9/2021 I'll attempt the supported FKT on the BibTrack that is currently in place.