Route: Five Peaks Traverse (OR)

Oregon, US
36.9 mi

The "Five Peaks Traverse" is a mountaineering project that links the summits of Mt. Bachelor, Broken Top and South, Middle and North Sister in the Cascade Mountains of Oregon.

GPS Track


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Profile picture for user Jason Hardrath @jasonhardrath

Yaaaasss! Justin James-Long! Dude, again such a stellar effort!

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Profile picture for user Sam Forsyth

I see this is listed as the "standard route." Have people tried bagging the 5 peaks for speed using alternative routes? I feel like there are more direct routes to climb all 5, I'd be curious to give a more direct route a go!

No.. FKT doesn’t know the standard route.. The standard route most ppl do is from North to South. Or other direction South to North.  I devised a New route with Mitch Thompson that is less time consuming & easier more efficient. But there is no easy way when U climb all 5 in a day.

Note to admin: it seems this should be considered "open course" instead of "standard route" 

As long as you start on cascade lakes Hwy or pole creek TH & finish on one or the other it’s an Open Course. Plus tag every top point of those summit peaks or it’s not considered a summit. ?????  

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Profile picture for user JJXtreme

Or if you at least project some part of your body above that summit top point then it’s a True/Legit Summit. Three Sisters Wilderness requires a permit now to summit any of these legally.. So Don’t forget to purchase/Reserve your permit before attempting any of these mountains & be sure to show a picture of the permit so there’s proof U climbed legally otherwise the Fkt won’t count. Register an emergency radio beacon!? Good luck out there, Be Safe & Smart & have fun! 

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Profile picture for user ryanweald

I've been looking at the logistics and it should be noted that technically permits are not required for the summits, just the trailhead where you enter the wilderness. Permits are also only required 6/15 - 10/15 (starting in 2022). If we get an early spring melt or a late start to the snow year, there is a window of time where you don't technically need a permit.

FAQ on the permits can be found here -