Upper Mississippi Bluff-to-Bluff (MN, WI)

Submitted by scoreforgonzo on Tue, 10/24/2023 - 02:52pm

The Driftless Area is a region of unique geological significance in the Midwestern US having never been covered by ice during the last ice age.   Unlike the rest of the mostly flat Midwest, the landscape is characterized by steep hills, forested ridges, and deeply carved river valleys, and is bisected by the Mississippi River.  This route is located in La Crosse, WI, in the heart of the Driftless Region and spans the largest river in the United States.

Vuelta al Lago Nahuel Huapi

Submitted by Erwann Donard on Tue, 10/24/2023 - 02:04pm

Voici l'itinéraire supposé du seul et unique tour complet du lac Nahuel Huapi réalisé du 18 au 28 novembre 1956 par Otto Meiling et Heriberto Reichart, pionniers du ski et de l'andinisme en Argentine.


Neale Woods Perimeter (NE)

Submitted by Rechtify on Tue, 10/24/2023 - 11:30am

Located within the Neale Woods Nature Reserve in northeast Omaha, the route starts at the Gifford/Neale trailhead north of the parking lot, the route can be completed clockwise or counterclockwise. The route includes all the perimeter trails of the Neale Woods trail system. I ran the trail counterclockwise on October 21, 2023. It was a beautiful, cloudless 50 degree F morning. There are quite a few small trails that make up the entire route, in the order I ran - Neale, Mink, Neale, Columbine, Settlers, Deer, Raccoon Hollow, Hilltop, Maidenhair, Hilltop, Gifford, Fox, Gifford.

Ahrntal loop (Italy)

Submitted by philippausserhofer on Tue, 10/24/2023 - 03:23am

This is an extreme run of 160 kilometers and almost 11,000 meters of elevation gain in the beautiful landscape of the Dolomites.