Yampa Valley Trail

Submitted by Mark Buchanan on Tue, 10/17/2023 - 08:23am

The Yampa Valley Trail runs from Duffy Mountain to Echo Park. It is completely within the boundary of Moffat County and it hugs the south side of the Yampa River. It was built in the 1980s and marked every 1/4 mile. Its high point is Juniper Mountain. It also traverses Cross Mountain and 12 mile Mesa, before dumping out on The Yampa Bench Road. It is also completely on BLM land. There is a lot of wildlife and very few people on this route.

This route is very runnable. The elevation gain is moderate.



West Hartford Parks Route (CT)

Submitted by Shawman on Tue, 10/17/2023 - 07:58am


Many of West Hartford’s public parks and woodlands are hidden in plain sight. Most are located near vibrant downtown centers, accessible and valued green and blue spaces in a highly developed town.

Dwars Door België (Belgium)

Submitted by Addie van der … on Mon, 10/16/2023 - 11:21pm

De route start bij de Noordelijkste grenspaal van België. Dit is in Meersel-Dreef. Dan loopt het eerste deel door veel vlakke bospaden en zo veel mogelijk onverhard. Hoe verder je komt hoe meer het landschap veranderd. Na Leuven komen er heel veel glooiende grasheuvels en richting Namen beginnen de echte hoogtemeters te komen. De finish is bij de zuidelijkste grenspaal in Torgny. Zo heb je heel het land doorkruist van noord naar zuid. Prachtige route.

Portneuf Boundary Trail

Submitted by Tom Klein on Mon, 10/16/2023 - 03:16pm

The Boundary Trail from Pebble Creek Ski Area is a 36-mile loop trail that hovers between 5500 and 7200 feet of elevation. A two-track trail that hugs the National Forest boundary, it affords fantastic views of the Portneuf River valley from multiple directions. The trail is often rough, with loose, fist-sized rocks, with many ascents and descents into creeks that drain Bonneville, Snow, and Haystack Peaks. It is best run in fall, when the colors of the aspens and dwarf maples are at their most vibrant.