Fastest Known Podcast

Coming to you every Friday: interviews with FKT-setters and other athletes in the world of Fastest Known Times.


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Alyssa is a “Professional Triathlete who can’t seem to shake her ultrarunning habit”. She has finished 30 Ironman Triathlons, 40 ultra races, and once finished 4th in the Taiwan Ironman using all borrowed gear. On July 31, 2018, she set a new women's FKT on Vermont’s 273 mile Long Trail of 5 days, 2 hours.

Scott is one of the best ultrarunners in history, winning the Hardrock 100, Badwater in Death Valley, the Spartathlon in Greece, and an unprecedented 7 wins in a row at the Western States 100. In 2016 he and his wife Jenny took on a personal project, the 2,200mi Appalachian Trail, setting a new FKT of 46 days, 9 hours. This journey became a book on the New York Times Best Seller List, entitled, North: Finding My Way on the Appalachian Trail (

Learn how a Belgian dentist set the FKT on the Pacific Crest Trail in 2016, then in 2018, was over four days faster on the Appalachian Trail than two of the fastest ultra-runners in the US.

"I start to hit my stride after 2,000 miles."

"Sometimes being successful means just getting back to the car. Alive..." Learn about Tony’s success on the Long’s Peak Triathlon, why free-soloing is all about “how you feel”, and why FKTs are only limited by your own creativity.