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FKT attempts we're tracking right now. Follow their progress »

Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Cody Taylor Bruce Trail (ON, Canada) Unsupported Complete - New FKT!
Brent Herring Colorado Trail (CO) Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Tara Dower Appalachian Trail (AT) Supported In progress
Jeff Browning Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
DJ Fox Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Will "Sisyphus" Peterson Long Trail (VT) Supported Complete - New FKT!

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  • zlever:
    Wow. This is fantastic Mark. Thanks for sharing and submitting this FKT. Well done!!!
  • Benjamin Americus:
    Mosi, thanks for posting this and setting a strong iunnagural time. Thanks to the C2C Trail Partnership for this amazing backyard resource. I enjoyed this variation and found it to be much more runnable than the hiking only variation. The single and… read more »
  • Eric Mathison:
    Hi all, I was able to get it done! My time was around 64 hours 38 minutes. I had amazing weather the whole time and no major navigational issues (though a few places where I realized I missed a turn and had to backtrack a bit). I slept about an hour… read more »
  • Billy 'Wahoo' Meredith:
    Howdy! Tomorrow morning I will begin an attempt to set the self-supported FKT. Live tracking can be found here: . I will likely be posting some form of updates on my Instagram (@billymeredith_ ) as well. Cheers! 
  • Hugo Palma:
    I will be having a go at the self-supported FKT starting on the 29th of October. My attempt will be a continuous effort. It would be possible to follow live here: