United Kingdom
71 mi
Vertical Gain
6,150 ft
GPS Track
Mixed-gender team
Richard Cranswick | 14h 36m 23s |
Andrew Reeves | 19h 26m 13s |
Charlotte Fisher | 11h 48m 35s | ||||
Debbie Pinder | 14h 13m 18s |
Sophie Ruffles | 17h 22m 23s | ||||
Helen Newman, Alicia Munro | 17h 56m 30s |
Carl Staniforth, Kevin Self, Ruth Blanco | Flagged | 1d 8h 25m 0s |
Myself and three friends will attempt this FKT in the category of mixed team, self supported. Commencing the morning of 3rd July 2021.
Wish us luck!
Be aware there are several diversions and route closures due to landslips as at 27 Dec 2021
The steps at Shanklin Chine are closed and barricaded at both ends, so take a road route to the A3055 and back down to Luccombe Village.
There are also signed diversions on The Landslip at Dunnose, at Bonchurch, and a major diversion away from Brightstone Holiday Complex.
Planing a possible double lap of this on the 15/16/17 July 2022.
I did submit a route with info for the double lap but did not have a response. Providing I complete the double lap will I just need to submit my report and state it is a double lap for it to be added to this page?
Hi all, a friend and I will attempt this around the island route next week. We will be fully self-supported and hope to pick up food and water en route at cafes etc. We'll be using this GPX (Garmins) and OS Maps on our phones. I'm sure diversions will be signposted but if not, we'll work it out. We hope to cross the first floating bridge from West Cowes to East at 5am and then run clockwise, until we reach Cowes. Any tips are hugely appreciated. Are there any sections without resupply or that are very technical that we should be aware of? What's it like underfoot? I imagine varied. Thank you. Helen
East Cowes - Seaview is 95% paved, some on main roads, lanes...through towns, not a great start, and nowhere near the actual coast until Ryde, it does get better....
Bembridge and Culver Down is a mixture of tight bendy bridleways, good fun.
Sandown - Ventnor - Paved....
Ventnor/Undercliff area you may encounter a diversion, not 100% sure of how big it is at the moment.
From Whitwell - Freshwater - stunning cliff edge grass path, soft under foot, there has been a big cliff fall near Whale Chine though which you may be diverted onto the road (the road is very popular and a national speed limit so be aware). The downs on the west coast will provide unwelcome hills, but nothing hardcore.
Headen Warren - Gurnard - can get boggy around Hamstead, Porchfield. In between those villages is a mixture of lanes/main road sadly.
Gurnard - Cowes - Paved......
Nothing technical on any of the path to be honest, you will get a mixture of terrain but nothing that will worry you.
The resupply issue will come between St.Lawrence (small store that 'SHOULD' be open) then nothing until you reach Yarmouth, at a guess I'm going to say about 35/40 miles between those two stops.
Thank you this is a huge help. With regards to the resupply I think there is a National Trust Cafe at the Needles which may be slightly off route but only by a couple of 100m or so. I will make sure I stock up at Yarmouth just in case. I think we will run anticlockwise so we end in the dark/when we're tired with the easiest part underfoot and also to navigate (Ryde to East Cowes) but still haven't decided on direction.
My friend is taking two pairs of shoes (road and trail) as her trail shoes have deep lugs but I'm going to take a pair of low/med-cushioned trail shoes with a cushioned insole for those paved sections. Thanks once again, wish us luck!
I will be putting in an attempt for a double lap of the Isle of Wight coast path on the dates June 14th/15th/16th, start time tbc.
As a resident of the island the last few months have been a disaster for the popular route due to major landslips in several areas, bad weather has also swept away section of boardwalks on the marshland areas.
During a 3 day recce last week 18 current diversions were counted and they may increase. The rights of way team are currently looking at how to make the coast path safe for all users as currently some diversions have not been put in place but instead options to rejoin the path are available. With my attempt I'll be doing my 2nd lap with a small group from the LDWA. My laps will most likely not 100% match due to the ability to choose a diversion route depending on surrounding events/road closures/busy roads at certain times of the day. The closest & safest option will be chosen, in most cases this will mean adding distance due to having to come inland.
Hi Anthony, coincidentally I am intending to attempt a single loop on 16th June. I was initially planning on 15th May but postponed due to the various landslips and closures. I've not been able to do a recce yet, but would be interested to know the routes you're planning to take between Ventnor and Shanklin, and between Gurnard to Thorness Bay. Thanks
Gurnard and Thorness bay should be easy enough, follow the road up (Red Street) for a good mile or so, next to Sticelett Farm there is a bridleway, take that and follow it through, as you enter the field you should be able to see the coast path and thorness bay from there.
As for the the Shanklin - Ventnor section....yeah, hard to explain. I will say now that it may change, I'm in contact with the LDWA leader about the coast path diversions and they are ever changing, almost weekly around that section.
If you are coming from Shanklin then you follow the path/diversion signs until you get to Bonchurch car park, go up Nansen Hill, at the top of it turn left at the junction, then through the gate (no signs) and it's straight back down the steep hill. You end up on the mid section of Leeson hill, on your left there is a set of metal steps that take you down the 'chimney' (no signs) down there and it's then follow a few minor back lanes until you get to Ventnor sea front and harbour (no signs on those lanes either). If you want to keep up to date and want some maps, join the Isle of Wight walking facebook page as there is a map of this section posted only a few day's ago. I would suggest a recce there, and go with it on the day, unless it's fallen into the sea!
Thanks for confirming Anthony. I did see the post you referenced on the IoW Ramblers site. Following the update from the council on Tuesday it looks like leeson road won't be open until at least September. I think the route via Nansen hill might be too much of a diversion (coupled with all the others) to have a realistic chance of an FKT for a single route. I might just do it for fun (type 2) instead. Good luck with your double loop. Hope to see you on the way round (It'll be the 15th for me if I do it)
Good luck with that, I plan on getting the Ferry from Portsmouth - Rye on Friday 14th (5:15am) any advise on either clockwise or anticlockwise ?
I had a successful attempt at the supported FKT today (15 July 2024, Guy Landon), completed anticlockwise loop in 10:56:22. Submitted evidence pending publication.