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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Imogen Boddy National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Scott Jenkins Cambrian Way (United Kingdom) Supported In progress
Kristian Morgan Appalachian Trail (AT) Supported In progress

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  • FeetFirstAthletics:
    I begun the route Friday April 5th and finished Monday April 8th.  My time was 76 hours, 53 minutes, 35 seconds.  I have submitted the appropriate documents and am awaiting approval of the self-supported FKT. It was an incredible, life changing… read more »
  • Isaac Robinson:
    *Finished 5:15pm April 1st. 
  • Isaac Robinson:
    Hey FKTers,  I had a successful run at the trail and set a new unsupported FKT! I started, as planned, at 10:45am on March 28th from Talimena State Park and finished at 5:15pm at the eastern terminus at Pinnacle Mountain State Park (old visitor… read more »
  • Wouter Huitzing:
    What is this double out and back on the south side of the track? Is this part of the route (mandatory?) of is this a GPS/ runners mistake?  
  • Wouter Huitzing:
    I see a GPX file and some pictures, but no information on a set FKT. Is there any FKT for this route? Supported, unsupported?