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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
Tara Dower Appalachian Trail (AT) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Georgia Porter Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Nick Fowler Arizona Trail (AZ) Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Bob Stewart Mason-Dixon Trail (DE, MD, PA) Unsupported Complete - New FKT!
Chip Autin LA Hwy 1 Supported Complete - New FKT!

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  • oysteinarneberg:
    Det dreier seg kun om toppene sør for Grunningsdalen og Slåkadalen. Ny styrkeprøve for fjellglade løpere i området. Start og mål på Lifjell-tunet. Ingen spesifikk rekkefølge på toppene er nødvendig, så lenge alle bestiges. Toppene er (i den… read more »
  • MatthewSmith5:
    This is great!  I think I'm going to have to give this one a go, but I will be starting in Chambersburg and unsupported.
  • Nathan Marshall:
    I have been over Alan’s file comparing to the FKT file and they match. Why has this been flagged?
  • cycup1u:
    I'll try the hardest route challenge in this Thursday 1.26 my target time is into 16 hours. The start time will be 4 am and the target finishing time will be 8pm  because the route is so famous in hangzhou, and this is a back and forth challenge… read more »
  • jostaylor:
    It’s possible this has been beaten- but can’t see ‘elapsed time’ on the strava trace only moving time and no idea about support etc so can’t be sure. Felt a bit like cheating not mentioning it!