Sandia Knife's Edge of the Shield – Chimney Canyon Variation

Submitted by nope0540 on Fri, 01/06/2023 - 08:42am

The Sandia's classic Knife's Edge is among the most impressive scrambles in New Mexico. Here, I describe what I believe is the most intuitive loop for mountain runners/scramblers who want to challenge themselves. This common variation of the Knife's Edge offers a shorter, yet more technical option that is guaranteed to keep you on your technical A game the entire time. 

the route:

Bergdörfer Grenzweg (Karlsruhe, Germany)

Submitted by Steffi on Fri, 01/06/2023 - 05:16am

Wanderung auf und in der Nähe von alten Gemarkungsgrenzen rund um die Karlsruher Bergdörfer Grünwettersbach, Palmbach und Stupferich.

Empfehlenswerte Jahreszeiten: im Frühjahr die blühenden Streuobstwiesen, im Herbst die Laubverfärbung, sowohl im Wald als auch bei den Obstbäumen auf den Wiesen und Feldern.

Der Rundwanderweg wurde am 3.5.2015 im Rahmen eines Stadtteilprojektes zur 300-Jahrfeier der Stadt Karlsruhe eröffnet.

Black and Gray Duathlon (OR)

Submitted by ryanweald on Thu, 01/05/2023 - 04:01pm


Black Butte & Gray Butte are both classic Central Oregon training routes for local trail runners.  While the runners are busy running up, down, and around these two buttes local cyclists frequent the Sisters to Smith Rock Oregon Scenic Bikeway which connects the town of Sisters with Smith Rock State Park.

Across Pennsylvania from Colliers, WV to Camden, NJ (PA)

Submitted by Cainleathers on Wed, 01/04/2023 - 10:25pm

I ran across Pennsylvania from Colliers, WV to the middle of the Benjamin Franklin Bridge, which divides Philadelphia and Camden. So I traversed the entire state. Originally intended for it to take 7 days, but thunderstorms, a tornado and high temps extended that trip to 10 days! 167 hours, 30 minutes of total trip time, including breaks, and finished just under the 10-day mark. I did this run to raise money for The Trevor Project, and support LGBTQIA+ youth suicide prevention.