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FKT attempts we're tracking right now. Follow their progress »

Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Kyle Curtin Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Michael Strasser Seven Summits of the Alps Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Sarah Wallace, Tony Deluca Pennsylvania NCT (PA) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Lee Wingate National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Unsupported In progress

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  • beadesr:
    I'd like to publicly announce that I will be attempting the overall unsupported fkt on the Colorado Trail from Denver to Durango starting Saturday July 16th, 2022. This will follow a traditional unsupported fkt attempt-  I will carry everything… read more »
  • Lars Ådne Arnesen:
    Mange feil i opprinnelig beskrivelse, så nok en retting: Har skrevet at turen går fra Tømmerås og over hengebrua mot Rosten. Rett beskrivelse er at turen fra Tømmerås går over den nedlagte jernbanebrua og videre mot Rosten. 
  • Lars Ådne Arnesen:
    I beskrivelsen over har jeg brukt navnet "Linken". Dette er det lokale navnet på Fagerliklumpen. Har også skrevet at turen starter ved Fossland gård. Rett navn er Fosslandsnesa gård. I kartet som viser turen står det også Fossland sør for Medjå, men… read more »
  • Jason Hardrath @jasonhardrath:
    Myself, Vitaliy Musiyenko, and Ryan Tetz will make an attempt on this route.  We will do self-supported style [1 cached resupply] and will attempt to take the time frame from the 8 days of the FA team, down to <4.5 days. We will track via COROS… read more »
  • Randall Roberts:
    Nice. Randall Roberts BTA Trustee