Pine Line Trail (WI)
Northern Wisconsin’s great white pine forests. The local economy still depends on lumber, as sawmills are at work in Medford and Prentice, located at either end of the trail.
The trail follows a section of the Wisconsin Central Railway, which launched rail service in 1876 between Lake Superior and Chicago. The Soo Line took over until 1985, when the Wisconsin Central Ltd. got the rail bed, but it ceased to use the line in 1988. Price and Taylor Counties then acquired it for use as a trail.
Gabriel Fuhrman - North Franklin Mountain Loop - 2024-04-16
Andrea Larson - North Country Trail, Wisconsin Section (WI) - 2024-04-15
Kyra Powell - Mizzy Lake Trail (ON, Canada) - 2024-04-16
Adrian Zientara, Radoslav Rybinski - Szlak Wygasłych Wulkanów (Poland) - 2024-04-16
Sarah Perry - South West Coast Path (United Kingdom) - 2024-04-15
Michael Alberts - Lollipop 240 (FL) - 2024-04-08
Rachel Boim - Huayna Potosi
De Novelda al Sit (Spain)
De Novelda al Sit y regreso: el reto
El reto de subir y bajar al Sit (1.104 m.s.n.m) desde Novelda está documentado al menos desde 1956 en el que el propio protagonista, Mariano Beltrá Alemany, "Marianet" escribió su historia en la revista local de fiestas Betania.