Hudson’s Bay Company Heritage Trail

Submitted by danirozados91 on Fri, 08/23/2024 - 11:08am

The HBC (1849) Heritage Trail is a 74 km long trail that traverses the Cascade Mountains between Hope and Tulameen in beautiful British Columbia. Gaining a cumulative 3,922 metres of elevation over rough and rugged terrain, this challenging trail is often completed in smaller sections as day hikes or overnights, with some others taking it on as a 5-8 day backpacking trip.

Rovenna to Monte Bisbino & back (Italy)

Submitted by Leon Neumann on Fri, 08/23/2024 - 05:07am

Nice route from the little town of Rovenna to the top of Monte Bisbino with a rewarding view up to Monte Rosa & Wallis.

Please choose the suggested track (GPX), because of really bad trail condition at the first few km of other trails.