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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Kyle Curtin Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Michael Strasser Seven Summits of the Alps Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Sarah Wallace, Tony Deluca Pennsylvania NCT (PA) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Lee Wingate National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Unsupported In progress

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  • JaseTrim:
    Callan Gates completed the North to South route, starting on 2.6.22 and finished 5.6.22 - 3 days, 3 hours. No GPX file submitted. Only a faster time would be recorded as we don't keep a 'leaderboard' of athletes times. However, given Callan is… read more »
  • barryjj1965:
    A little ERROR near the start that can be clearly seen above.  After that route is correct.  Note,  sign posting is not great so  a map and/or GPS is required. East-West Mapping is Recommended i.e..… read more »
  • Liz Derstine:
    Update: made it to Roundtop Shelter (45.7 miles) night one, second morning going up Whiteface felt totally gassed, and in hindsight very under-fueled. I got off trail at Barnes Camp at VT-108. Here's my recap/reflection.
  • linei:
    I'm planning to run this FKT route this week, probably on Saturday 07-09-2022. Selfsupported, in reverse direction (from Bad Urach to Burg Teck).
  • linei:
    I'm planning to run this FKT route this week, probably on Saturday 07-09-2022. Selfsupported, in reverse direction (from Burg Teck to Bossler).