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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
Brent Herring Colorado Trail (CO) Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Tara Dower Appalachian Trail (AT) Supported In progress
Jeff Browning Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
DJ Fox Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Will "Sisyphus" Peterson Long Trail (VT) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Justin Simoni Colorado Trail (CO) In progress

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  • Buzz Burrell:
    Thank you for the comment.  Understood.  Note that we strive for a wide range of voters - some are FKT holding thru-hikers themselves, while others are top racers - it's a big tent!  A group of people sharing the same viewpoint actually makes poor… read more »
  • steveb:
    I'm sure we all know the amazing and modest Sabrina V holds the actual record, completing this in an incredible five days, 23 hours and 49 minutes. Huge respect of course to all who have completed this astonishing feat of mind over legs! Way beyond… read more »
  • Lizzie G:
    I'm going to try this route tomorrow (one way).
  • fullplate:
    Sorry, I only just saw this reply! No GPX file, I didn't own a GPS watch at the time. I think I have timestamped photos for start/finish and a few points inbetween, not sure if that's enough. Anyway, I'm hoping to redo my attempt with a lot more… read more »
  • fullplate:
    This is an interesting one. Obviously getting a friend to drive you over in a boat (which is not available to the public) = supported. Going by the book, taking publicly available transport for the water crossings would probably make it self-… read more »