Athlete: Florian Felch



Fastest Known Times the athlete has set; possibly historical. Check out each route to see its current FKT.

Route Route Variation Style Time Date
Tour „hochgehadelt“ (Schwäbische Alb) Standard route Unsupported 1h 15m 43s
Grünten - Wächter des Allgäus (Guardian oft the Allgäu) Standard route Unsupported 1h 19m 51s
Drei-Kaiserberge-Tour (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 2h 19m 53s
Löwenpfad „Höhenrunde“ (Schwäbische Alb) Standard route Unsupported 59m 6s
Hinterstein - Hochvogel - Hinterstein Standard route Unsupported 4h 40m 36s
Skyroute Königsweg Füssen - Oberammergau Standard route Unsupported 7h 36m 36s
Heinrichweg (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 1h 36m 6s
Ostallgäuer Wanderweg (Germany) one way Unsupported 2h 33m 4s
Graswang 11 Summits Loop (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 3h 37m 18s
Gipfelrunde um Dornbirn (Austria) Standard loop Unsupported 6h 24m 13s
Hohe Gänge (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 2h 28m 30s
7 (+1) Summits of Oberjoch (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 4h 58m 54s
Gaishorn Traverse (Austria) Standard route Unsupported 1h 45m 7s
1000 hmr Weg (Germany) Standard loop Unsupported 1h 59m 29s
Heinrichweg (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 1h 36m 48s
Donautal-Panoramaweg Sinne-Reich (Germany) Standard Loop Unsupported 5h 55m 6s
Edelweißweg (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 1h 6m 23s
Nagelfluhkette (Germany) point-to-point Unsupported 4h 20m 51s
Sellrainer Hüttenrunde (Austria) Standard route Unsupported 17h 43m 16s
Krottenkopf Skyrace (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 2h 50m 53s
Hohe Gänge (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 2h 32m 23s
Allgäuer U (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 6h 33m 39s
Lechtaler Höhenweg (Austria) Standard route Unsupported 21h 38m 21s
Ponten-Bschießer Traverse (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 2h 4m 36s
Heilbronner Weg (Germany) 25km Heilbronner Weg Unsupported 3h 42m 29s
Hohe Gänge (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 2h 40m 28s
Jubiläumsweg (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 3h 54m 52s
Allgäuer U (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 7h 26m 56s
Edelweißweg (Germany) Standard route Unsupported 1h 9m 58s