David Haunschmidt - Tongariro Northern Circuit - 2023-12-11
Terry Palmer - Padre Island National Seashore (PINS) Trail (TX) - 2023-12-10
Kevin Boyle, Dane Christiansen - Seven Waters Trail (WI) - 2023-12-10
Butler-Freeport Community Trail (Out & Back) (PA)
The Butler-Freeport Community Trail is a rail trail that weaves its way from Butler to Freeport. For more information check out the official website. That being said, it consists of asphalt, gravel, and dirt and has gentle but noticeable climbs with various sights such as Buffalo Creek, foundations of old homes, farmland, and more.
Rundweg Vogelschutzgebiet Egglfing am Inn
Rundweg durch die Innauen nahe Bad Füssing – Egglfing, ein Ortsteil des nahen Kurorts Bad Füssing, hat mit den Innauen einen einzigartigen Naturraum von weltweiter Geltung. Um die teilweise noch erhaltenen Auwälder finden sich Seitenarme, Altwässer, Buchten und Flachwasserbereiche, in welchen sich Würmer und Insekten ansiedelten, diese wiederum sind die Nahrungsgrundlage für die zahlreichen Wasservögeln.
Peter Hubbard, Brian Martin - North Central DuPage Regional Trail (IL) - 2023-12-04
Aimee Epps - Manhattan Loop (NY) - 2023-12-10
Croatian Long Distance Trail
Croatian Long Distance Trail (CLDT) is national scenic long distance hiking trail that connects easternmost, northernmost, westernmost and southernmost points of Croatia. It is the result of work of the CLDT Association (CLDTA), which was founded out of a desire to make the first such trail in Croatia, modelled by the world’s long distance hiking trails.