272 mi
Vertical Gain
68,000 ft
GPS Track
VT Long Trail.gpx1.54 MB
Will "Sisyphus" Peterson | 4d 11h 34m 0s | ||||
Jeff Garmire | 5d 23h 48m 0s | ||||
Josh Perry | 6d 9h 48m 45s | ||||
Travis Wildeboer | 6d 17h 25m 0s | ||||
Demetri "Coup" Coupounas | 12d 19h 53m 0s |
Alyssa Godesky | 5d 2h 37m 0s | ||||
Nikki Kimball | 5d 7h 42m 0s |
Liz Derstine | 6d 8h 12m 0s | ||||
Jennifer Pharr-Davis | 7d 15h 40m 0s |
Mikaela Osler | 6d 11h 33m 0s | ||||
Nika Meyers | 6d 11h 40m 0s |
Mixed-gender team
Adam St. Germain | 10h 43m 0s |
Scott Livingston, Debbie Livingston | 11h 43m 3s |
This route on the old FKT site
Headed out 8/15 sobo, finally made time to take in this beautiful trail.
I plan to start an unsupported FKT attempt on the Long Trail starting 9/11/22 at around 6:00am going Southbound. My live tracker link is share.garmin.com/YW9A4
Heading out tomorrow 5/22 for the unsupported record trying to chase down Jeff Garmire. Planning to start around 1pm from MA/VT border running NOBO.
Here is my garmin tracking: share.garmin.com/Kwasnik
I will be attempting a southbound unsupported FKT starting tomorrow morning around 6am. Live tracking at https://share.garmin.com/oliverd and I'll post on Strava at
Thank you to everyone who's efforts have inspired this attempt. I have no idea how this is going to go...
I'm planning to make an unsupported attempt at the Long Trail FKT later this week. Anticipated start time is early morning June 29, heading southbound.
Live tracking via my Garmin InReach: https://share.garmin.com/mattmruns
Might post a few updates to my instragram along the way: @matt.moschella
FKT or not, will definitely post to Stava afterwards: https://www.strava.com/athletes/18246568
Needless to say, I'm making live tracking publicly available, but to honor the guidelines of the unsupported category, please don't come find me out on the trail (until I reach MA).
I will be starting an unsupported FKT attempt on the Long Trail this Sunday 7/23 around 7am.
There are two short, flat sections of the Long Trail that are still closed due to the recent flooding in Vermont - along the Winooski and Lamoille Rivers. I spoke with the GMC, and they have no timeline as to when these segments will re-open. These segments total 1.9 miles. There are official reroutes around both segments that total 3.1 miles, therefore the reroutes add 1.2 miles. Having walked both of them, I am pretty confident that I will overall lose about 10-15 minutes due to the reroutes, which I am fine with. However, if I somehow come out ahead of record pace on these sections, I am happy to adjust my time accordingly.
Here we go. On Thursday, 7/27, around 4 am, I will begin an unsupported FKT attempt on the Long Trail starting at the Northern Terminus.
I will follow the reroutes posted by the GMC due to flooding.
You can follow along on Instagram @the.spitfire
Or via live tracking: share.garmin.com/spitifire
I have been very loud about this FKT mission on social and the TIME HAS COME to send it! Tomorrow, July 30th I will be setting off from the Northern Terminus around 10am with the goal of setting a new female supported record. My husband will be taking over my Instagram account and you can track me here: https://share.garmin.com/shelbzzf It has been an epic, wet, 8 weeks of training specifically up and down the trail, and I couldn't be more stoked to link it all together over the next sub-5 days. 🐆⚡️💜🤘🏽🏴☠️🔥
I’ll be heading out to attempt to beat the wonderful Mikaela Osler’s unsupported time going SOBO in a few days. FKT will have my spot tracker link with the official start date/time, and I’ll also be posting intermittently on Instagram @kaytebrown. Wish me luck! ☺️
Planning a self-supported attempt in mid August 2024. Will check in later this year to confirm dates!
Helloooo!! I'll be on the trail as a self supported female, starting on june 1rst 2024! I'm excited to spend time in the mountains, feeling humble knowing how hard this challenge will be and how strong were the athletes who came before me. You can follow my journey on my strava profile (https://www.strava.com/athletes/57618767)! This will be a nice adventure even if there's no record broken :-)
A little heatstroke for me yesterday on the trail, so as many other attemps this one will have last only for a few days :-( but I had a wonderful time in the mountains, Vermont is amazing !!
Sorry to read, better luck next time.
I will start tomorrow the 20th of June from the southern terminus of the long trail and go north. I will try to finish in about 5 days and will do it unsupported. I hope to have a lot of fun!
I will be starting a supported FKT attempt on the Long Trail tomorrow at around 10am with the help of dozens of friends, family, and locals.
To my knowledge there aren't any high water closures this time around. The only difference between my route and John Kelly's route from last year is that he had a very short (~0.3 mile) reroute around Prospect Rock because of a closure due to falcon nesting, which is now open. According to my calculations, this will lose me approximately 3-4 minutes.
Get it, Will!
I will be starting a self-supported FKT attempt starting on Saturday, 8/31, first thing in the morning. I have a tracker but won’t share it here bc I’ll be out there alone 😅. Will be going northbound. I’ll post afterwards regardless of whether I get the FKT!