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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Kyle Curtin Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Michael Strasser Seven Summits of the Alps Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Sarah Wallace, Tony Deluca Pennsylvania NCT (PA) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Lee Wingate National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Unsupported In progress

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  • mexifast:
    Giff - I've done the route both ways through Chatfield.  The one that follows the exact high line canal goes (almost to) Tower road but you need to go through private property, bushwhack and cross the South Platte in order to connect back to the… read more »
  • mexifast:
    Wanted to give an update on this route:  I rode the Highline canal on my bike to determine where this routes ends.  The old route finishes on the first pass of Picadilly road.  This is the route that all FKTs have been set (~67miles).  However, the… read more »
  • Sarah Estrella:
    Just a reminder to always do your homework. Don't follow the original route. The southern boundary of Death Valley NP is different now.
  • Will ''Sisyphus'' Peterson:
    Hey Finn! Sorry if my post felt aggressive. I know you mean no disrespect to or to dissuade anyone, and I know we share a deep respect and love for this route. When I said that I don't understand where the narrative came from, I didn't mean that I… read more »
  • finnmelanson:
    Hey Will! I can appreciate why you feel this way about the sub-24 narrative. That said, I think it's possible and not just by world-class athletes. I'll also take ownership for generating this narrative and I can assure you, it doesn't come from a… read more »