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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Kyle Curtin Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Michael Strasser Seven Summits of the Alps Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Sarah Wallace, Tony Deluca Pennsylvania NCT (PA) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Lee Wingate National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Unsupported In progress

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  • 21toothakerk:
    This is for the solo unsupported male Fourmile Creek route.
  • 21toothakerk:
    I intend to try for this record next Sunday, 7/17. This is a tentative plan which is dependent on the weather, but I am likely to try it then.
  • MikeHinterberg:
    Edit: looks like FKT and I have the same route, so I wonder if there's a route or sign change by Neff Park in Verona? Very small if so.
  • AndrewBlatecky:
    Planning to give the FOMELC Loop unsupported FKT a go starting Saturday, 7/16, around 5:30AM. I'll carry all my own food and gear, and will only take water from natural sources. I'll track my progress at… read more »
  • BURTON1708:
    That’s pretty cool that you’re gonna go for it. It caught my eye but I’m not that familiar with NJ. What research have you done? I was worried about trying to go through areas that are technically closed at night.