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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • bhouldridge:
    I ran this July 27th 2019. From Dyea to Lake Bennett in 7:13:24 When I ran it, permits and train tickets had to be picked up the day before and doing it in a day wasn't uncommon. Chilkook Trail | Run | Strava
  • Kelly Swanson:
    I had planned to run the out & back this weekend, Jan. 24, 2024, but after three days of fairly constant local precipitation, I did a test run only to find that sections of the trail are flooded.  I waded into my thighs, but the water is very… read more »
  • ccwalker_uwp:
    I am interested in running this out and back. Can this option be added? If so, I'll be running it at Saturday, January 27th. Thanks! 
  • tortocnt:
    Yes for these fast times people use a car from one end to the other.
  • Yadi Candler II:
    Hello, My name is Jaroslav (Yadi) Candler II and I will be attempting to break the current unsupported FKT record for the Meadow Mountain Trail this Sunday 1/28/24. I am a local runner from Cumberland, MD.  Strava:… read more »