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FKT attempts we're tracking right now. Follow their progress »

Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Imogen Boddy National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Kristian Morgan Appalachian Trail (AT) Supported In progress
Kyle Curtin Colorado Trail (CO) Supported In progress
Alex Wright Pacific Crest Trail (CA, OR, WA) Self-supported In progress

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  • simon powell:
    Abandoned attempt at 42miles 24hrs in Keswick due to foot issues.
  • AndrewBlatecky:
    I will be doing a second attempt at the unsupported FKT going CW on the collegiate loop beginning Friday, July 1 around 5:30-ish AM starting from the Avalanche trailhead. I will carry everything I need, only take water from natural sources, and will… read more »
  • Patrick_Blair:
    Pat Stem and I will be attempting the Unsupported Men's FKT tomorrow morning.  We will be starting in the south.  We plan to run together in an unsupported fashion, however we understand that if one of us poops out that the other one will continue… read more »
  • Jack Kuenzle:
    Before anyone posts it, no directional variation is needed for this route. Start and finish are basically the same elevation. Going NOBO you get alot of runnable terrain while fresh and then get hammered by northern Presis and Wilcat, Carter, Moriah… read more »
  • Rob Manley:
    Welp, gave it a shot. 2am start with snow falling a couple hours in which we knew would happen. No big. Just more careful. Problem was, we started getting lighting. Never ok to make yourself a target on an exposed ridge like that. Had to head down.… read more »