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Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Imogen Boddy National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Kristian Morgan Appalachian Trail (AT) Supported In progress

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  • MTrenidad:
    4 laps in less than 12hrs. This FKT is for Carlsbad - great place to live for awesome trail training grounds like Guad Peak!
  • wendy bannerman:
    BEST LOAN SERVICE. I applied for loan from different company but with no result, i almost gave up until a friend referred me to this private loan lender who indeed saved me from financial crises, i am so happy to share my testimony, i was giving a… read more »
  • joehikes_:
    Pct yoyo FKT is 161 days held by Joe Alonso. Check out joehikes_ on Instagram. The website wouldn't validate my record because I didn't have tracking. I simply could not afford a tracker , im a dirt bag and my money went towards spaghettios. Maybe I… read more »
  • ccwalker_uwp:
    I am planning on running this route as an out-and-back, unsupported FKT attempt on Saturday, May 18th. Should be great weather!
  • B.williamson:
    I'm attempting this in the coming weeks and am familiar with the Gwanggyo-san area, but not the northwestern sections of the course, am a bit concerned about getting lost, but hope all goes well. Can't wait, and thanks for the .gpx file!