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FKT attempts we're tracking right now. Follow their progress »

Athlete Route Start date Style Status
NIck "Chezwick" Gagnon Triple Crown of Thru-Hiking (USA) Self-supported In progress
Kyle Curtin Colorado Trail (CO) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Michael Strasser Seven Summits of the Alps Self-supported Complete - New FKT!
Sarah Wallace, Tony Deluca Pennsylvania NCT (PA) Supported Complete - New FKT!
Lee Wingate National Three Peaks Challenge (United Kingdom) Unsupported In progress

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  • j.taylor bell:
    Just finished up an unsupported FKT of the GSWW today, Friday Dec. 8 2023. Only shaved 6 hours off of Daniel's time because, similarly, a planned 4 day hike eventually turned into 5, haha. I thought I'd be able to push it on the last night, but… read more »
    Hi Allison! Congrats on such a great run on the FHT!! I just recently saw this and wanted to add your name/result of this run to the website I maintain that records runs of the trail ( Please email me at … read more »
  • ReginaMassingill:
    After much planning and a few delays, I’ll be making a Supported attempt this weekend!
  • Jenny Houlahan:
    My two daughters and I will be heading out in the next couple of days with the aim to set a Women’s unsupported time as a team for the one way route. We will report back! 😊
  • tortocnt:
    Note of Dec. 7th 2023: It is worth to mention that senior (75 this year) runner Björn Suneson of Sweden has crossed the US 8 times by now. He also maintains a record of crossings (walking and running) since 2012 in an excel format that is regularly… read more »