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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • COSultrarunner:
    Definitely a "scenic state park!" I had never visited northern Minnesota and always wanted to. Nice route. I didn't have bug spray and ended up getting eaten alive on the northwest side of this route. The other parts weren't too bad. The esker out… read more »
  • COSultrarunner:
    As of July 2, 2023, the PS trail is closed due to excessive erosion. No timetable on when it may reopen. Therefore, this specific route is currently not possible to complete. Also, perhaps due to July 4th weekend, this campground was essentially… read more »
    Kullaleden FKT - Charlie Bergström
  • Kim Levinsky:
    Hi, I'll be starting a supported atttempt this coming Saturday July 8th. I'll be heading southbound from John Thatcher State Park. I'll be sharing updates via Instagram:
  • marcy_beard:
    Coincidentally, I'm planning to run this tomorrow (thanks for the trail beta!).  If I end up overlapping with (and slower than) Ainsley, I'm sure it will still be a good training run in a beautiful place.