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Candice Burt Arizona Trail (AZ) Supported DNF

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  • smvandend:
    Follow-up on this: Had great luck today with nice weather, no reroutes due to wildlife, and very few hikers on the Flattop descent. A wrong turn and lots of nausea threw me off my splits strategy around mile 21-22. Still very happy with my time of 6… read more »
  • AlexPlinio:
    On Tuesday, September 26th, 2023, I will attempt to break the course record by starting half an hour before the first low tide at 12:01 AM. My Garmin InReach tracker is  Alex
  • Peter 559:
    I understand the popularity and the reason that the FKT route is A-K, however from an aesthetic and geographical standpoint, this isn’t the entire Western Arthur’s Traverse, only part of it. Perhaps a compromise might be having both variants listed… read more »
  • marcy_beard:
    Finished it!  Supported, 20:16, will submit soon.  Tough, crazy route, even harder with wind blasting the top of Humphreys, but I guess that's fairly normal for Hole to Hump FKT experiences!
  • Twister_Hikes:
    I’ll be starting my self supported hike of the IAT today beginning at the Western Terminus and making my way to the Eastern. If I’m able to stay on pace after the first few days, I’ll try for the whole fkt.