Route: New Hampshire 4000 Footers (NH)

New Hampshire, US
200 mi
Vertical Gain
80,000 ft

There are 48 peaks over 4000' in New Hampshire. Records have been reported for a few individual peaks, and for climbing all 48 as fast as possible. Individual peaks are linked below, where available.

To hike/run all 48 peaks you need to plan routes that combine as many peaks as possible in each range (except for the lonely peaks). You need to ... Read more

Leaflet | Map data © Google
GPS Track
NH-48.gpx3.25 MB


Brianna Tidd and Bill Tidd left the Webster-Jackson trailhead at 9:06am. They are looking to improve on the current supported records. They are tracking via a Garmin InReach as well as GPS logs from their watches. 

Hey there white mountain hiking community. My name is Josh and I am in need of some assistance. I am hoping to go unsupported on the Diretissma this summer, connecting all 4000ft peaks in NH by foot and without any resupplies. I believe Andrew Drummond (self supported) has set the bar up to this point going at 5 d 23h 58m.

I plan on documenting the journey through pictures and video (instagram) and writing a trip report at the completion. I do not have a GPS device (spot or DeLorme), but if someone was willing to loan theirs out for the week (for verification purposes) I would be very grateful.

Thanks for considering!

I am attempting an unsupported (I think, but there seems to be some ambiguity regarding use of the huts and ditching the pack on out and backs) hike of the NH-48. I'll start tomorrow morning at about 9 AM from the Gorge Brook TH at Moosilauke. I'll be shooting for a route that matches historical attempts while trying to maximize my up-and-overs within reason. Should be fun! My tracker link is HERE.

Currently experiencing bad tendinitis making it difficult and unsafe to move fast on technical terrain. I plan to finish but an FKT is off the table.

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Profile picture for user Will ''Sisyphus'' Peterson

I will be attempting a self-supported thru-hike of the 48 in July, timeline dependent on when I get a good stretch of weather. I am going to follow how Andrew Drummond structured his hike as far as being self-supported instead of unsupported (people can come join me, I will take water from huts, and I will drop my pack for out and backs). I will post a link to my tracker before I go as well as any other links to Youtube videos or online blog posts that further explain my project.

Looks like Andrew’s trip was incorrectly characterized as self supported. Since he had some company we consider it supported. Please read the Guidelines.


Hi Peter,

Thanks for the criteria update - I do however have some questions resulting from this change. First, I have read the guidelines; I had assumed that I could base my planning off of the precedent for the hike that was approved by the website and maintained for the past 4 years. Second, the current categorization does leave me fairly confused. Drummond's record is now listed as "supported" under the "self-powered" tab, separate from the "standard" tab which contains the rest of the "supported" hikes. Is there a distinction? The guidelines don't seem to mention one. Following that, if I beat Drummond's record while adhering to the same rules that he used (big if), will my time be shown as "supported" along with his time under the "self-powered" tab, or will my time not be listed because I did not beat the rest of the "supported" but not "self-powered" hikes? Any clarification would be greatly appreciated because I'd like to get out there very soon, and I want to ensure that my attempt meets the given criteria and isn't foiled due to a category error.

"Self powered" means the person did not use motor vehicles to get between trailheads.  That could be hiking, or using a bicycle (which would also be "multisport").  Does that answer your question?

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Profile picture for user Will ''Sisyphus'' Peterson

Tomorrow I plan to set out on my Direttissima attempt. I am leaning towards not having people come join me in order to keep it self-supported, but I will make it clear in my trip report afterwards. Here is the link to my SPOT device which will go active tomorrow morning!

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Profile picture for user meaghan.t

I plan to set out tomorrow 7/24/20 on an unsupported Direttissima attempt. I will be tracking via a Garmin inreach (keeping the link private until after my trip, but I have shared it with the FKT team). Also supplementing my track with a Garmin Forerunner and on Instagram @meaghanwmd.

Had to call off my trip halfway due to a knee injury! An incredible journey & learning experience. Hope to try again someday :)

I will be starting out tomorrow morning for an unsupported Direttissima attempt. I will have a Garmin inreach. will try to share on social if possible.



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Profile picture for user Will ''Sisyphus'' Peterson

Tomorrow I am heading out for an attempt at the supported/standard FKT (Andrew Thompson's record). I have an awesome support crew that will be helping me along the way, headed by my brother Ben. I will post my tracking link along with updates when I am able on my Instagram page @_will.peterson

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Profile picture for user agodesky

Tomorrow, July 6th, 2022, I am heading out for a supported attempt on the FKT for the 48! 

Tracking link is here -

Looking forward to a few days of fun in the mountains!

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Profile picture for user Will ''Sisyphus'' Peterson

Respectfully, I don't agree with Alyssa's proposed rule about the gate on York Pond Road. There are several reasons for this, but the biggest for me is that it's fairly common knowledge that this gate hardly ever closes anyway, so the rule seems pretty unenforceable. Are people not allowed to access this trailhead at night even though the gate is likely to be open? And if people are only allowed to access this road during the day, what if they start Cabot before the cutoff but make it down at night? The Bunnell Notch Trail is the most obvious and definitely the traditional way to get up and down Cabot on speed attempts, and people have navigated the gate on this road without issue for a long time. I don't think blocking off this trail at night enhances the route in any real way.

I also disagree with the idea that exceptions are being made. Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but to my knowledge, the people at the Fish Hatchery are happy to make sure the gate is left open for you if you ask, regardless of who you are. 

As far as the use of private land, it's standard practice to hike up/down the ski slopes on both Wildcat and Tecumseh, as well as for support crews to use the Mount Washington Auto Road. I could be wrong, but I believe those are all private land or at least leased land.

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I asked around a lot about the gate and definitely didn't feel like it was common knowledge that it was often left open -- at least no one wanted to tell me that, ha! If it's left open, I think that's fine, but I was under the impression if you called and requested it open they might leave it open for you, and I think that's not a precedent to set to make attempts fair/equal (what if they start to change their mind about that, etc -- who knows who is making that decision). At the end of the day I think if it's left open, then yes that's fair and use it! But if you have to request it or you come across it closed, then you have to go around to the other side. So it's up to the person if they want to check if it's open. Since there is another access point (which really isn't too much different) I don't think it's too important, but I just don't want people to feel like they need to be on the hook of asking for permission of leaving it open to be able to be on the same playing field for their route. 

The auto road and ski slopes present more of a fair / equal access point (assuming no one is having their crew figure out how to drive up the auto road outside of the hours they allow to do so). Though, there is the access road at Wildcat that helps a bit, and we did wait until that was opened for the morning as well to access the base there.

The private land is mostly in regard to the Waumbek --- some folks encouraged me to use the private land access which has been shut for some time now because they think that's what Andrew Thompson used (not sure of the status of it when he did it) since it's faster. I obviously went from the public Starr King Trailhead.

Hello! I am starting an FKT attempt at ~3:30am tomorrow morning (6/11/2023). Excited to get this adventure started and thanks to all those who have attempted this before for the inspiration!

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Hi Friends of the White Mountains! I wanted to check in here after a few discussions with prospective FKT attempters :) For my proposed rule on only using Public Land, I don’t want people to get hung up in the details on this. Perhaps it should read “public land and/or well defined public access points” …. i.e. if a White Mountains Trailhead is technically on private land, but it’s on the AMC maps as a designated trail head - that is of course totally fine. The intent of me asking people to not use private land / areas that require special permission is to alleviate “secret” knowledge from the route or the chance that future attempters may not be granted permission. If an access point though is clearly defined and easily found via public maps etc, then that would be no issue. 

All of that said, I certainly don’t intend to be policing efforts. I encourage people to use good faith and do their homework…if you aren’t cutting corners I don’t think you  have anything to worry about!

I am starting a supported FKT attempt tomorrow morning (6/20/23) at approximately 7 AM. A map of my tentative route is available at, and my tracker page is at Many thanks to all those who have helped me prepare for this and those who are supporting me in this effort!

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I am going to be starting a attempt to best the self powered record starting on 8/1/23 at about 5am. My live tracker is

I'll be starting an attempt at the self powdered and unsupported FKT on July 4th. I'll record a gpx track with my watch and will take pictures of my watch showing the time of day at each summit for verification.